Help Babies

Help Babies

Support the families of the babies who died in the civilian massacre!
Whatever the reason, killing babies is terrorism!
It costs only $1 to send hot soup to the Palestinian people who are still under ongoing bombardment.

The images are completely real! You can easily find more on the internet. Nearly 4000 babies were killed in the last month!

We do not discriminate against race, religion or language!
All the people of the world clearly see that Israel and Israeli terrorism are protected for political and financial reasons, and now all humanity is revolting against this!
It doesn't matter whether they are Muslims, Christians or Jews, everyone is marching in support of the murdered babies and civilians!
Don't remain silent just for humanity's sake!
In thousands of years of world history, this type of genocide has always been committed, and genocides change place every 20 years!
Please remember that it may happen to you one day!
How painful is the fact that those who were subjected to genocide nearly 100 years ago committed genocide against other innocent people 100 years later!
We are doing our best for every innocent person who died! WE WILL NOT BE SILENT!


On behalf of every customer who makes a $100+ purchase, we donate $10 to the victim families in Palestine to support civilian children and women in the regions damaged by the Israelis who usurped Palestinian lands and bombed civilians, hospitals and places of worship.

Donation receipts are sent directly to our customers via e-mail.

You can donate on behalf of humanity through reliable aid institutions via the link below.

To understand the gravity of the situation, see this link:



